Who We Are
Liturgically Grounded
St. Francis is a worshipping community grounded in our liturgical life together. We gather each Sunday to worship with one another. Using Rite II from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. Our worship is always accompanied and enhanced by the musical offerings of our organist, Bill Hayes, and our choir.
As a parish family we at St. Francis are dedicated to spending time together and caring for one another. From outings as a group, to dinners in our parish hall, and everything in between, we enjoy getting together and being a part of one anothers lives.
Centered Around Community
Committed to Service
As the Body of Christ, St. Francis is committed to living out our baptismal covenant, as we “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.” Living this out through word and action means giving of our selves through time, talent, and treasure, as we seek to make an impact both here in Goldsboro and in the world.