As a worshiping community we gather together weekly in celebration and thanksgiving!
Please join us every Sunday for 9am Worship at St. Francis Episcopal Church!
A Liturgical Community
St. Francis is a liturgical community, rooted in the practices and traditions of our Anglican heritage and the Episcopal Church. Our Sunday liturgy comes from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. At St. Francis we are all a part of the liturgical work. Understanding that liturgy is a term coming from the greek words for “people” and “work”, making our Sunday public worship a unitive work and celebration of our gathered community. As we come together to praise God we do so through shared song, thanksgiving, confession, scripture, story telling, communion, and blessing.
Musically Inclined
Bill Hayes (Organist) & The St. Francis Choir
Our Sunday worship is always accompanied by beautiful music from our choir and organist, Bill Hayes. St. Augustine once said “to sing is to pray twice.” And we take that call seriously, as we lift our voices in praise of our Creator in songs of joy and celebration each and every Sunday.
Praising God Together
Each Sunday we worship together using Rite II from our Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. On the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sunday’s we gather together at the table to celebrate the Eucharist. On the 3rd and 5th Sunday’s we share in morning prayer. As a liturgical community, we make our Sunday worship the work of the people, through the shared ministries of acolytes, readers, choir, eucharistic lay ministers, and morning prayer presiders.